Saturday, August 4, 2012

10 Advice to Make a Gay Relationship Work

10. Put some seasoning and spice into your relationship.
Put some excitement and suspense by bringing some novelty into your relationship. Also put in some creativity and variety in your daily routine.
Nevertheless, other than doing something to make your relationship work, you also have to watch out for relationship warning signs. Is your relationship getting monotonous? Are you practically doing the same thing everyday like a routine? Thing is, your partner would get bored and will itch their way out into a hot and bothered relationship without you in it.

9. Establish the sense of trust.
Next thing to watch out, or to avoid rather, is to stop assuming about what your other half is doing or thinking. Basically, you are not a psychic, so stop interpreting his actions. Avoid sprinting to impulsive conclusion but bless your partner with the benefit of doubt. There's nothing to be insecure about and a relationship without trust is destined to be thrown out to the dumps in the future.

8. Enjoy yourselves.
Of course, your togetherness isn't supposed to be compacted in a tiny space of contentment but the both of you have the liberal right to enjoy each and every moment that you are together. Go out, enjoy, have a great time, and do it again. Who said life should revolve around work and responsibilities? 

7. Know your rights.
 You both have the right to enjoy each other and the world.
6. Stick up for your partner, and for each other.
Basically, not all persons understand your kind of thing having a homosexual relationship. It's better to stick up for each other. Has your partner been insulted when you're out on a date? Sure enough, don't agree with the person but don't start up a brawl either. Take your partner and leave. This gives your partner an idea that you're not ashamed of your relationship.

5. Exercise clarity in your relationship.
Are you an exclusive or an open couple? Is it okay to flirt with another gay guy or are you strict about having a monogamous relationship? Clarity is important since it establishes a standard. So that in the future, you wouldn't have regrets since from the start you've been clear about certain issues.
4.Keep each other informed of whereabouts and other stuffs as well.
This action establishes trust and loyalty. Moreover, it is better to keep each other informed of problems, recognitions and other minor things so that the both of you can get the acceptance, support, appreciation that you and your partner needs. You're not just a couple, but best buddies, too.

3. Make sure you are both compatible.
It is not merely going out with a gay guy and, wallah, you're an item. It pays to know if you have common interest, if you jive on the same things, moreover, if you agree on the same things. It is not simply dating; it is more of a companionship and having a partner who would be there for you through think and thin. It is not simply flirting but there's definitely more than that.

2. Possess qualities that will surely make your relationship last long and work for the better.
It is important to be honest since it establishes a sense of trust. It is important to be loving since it will make your relationship sweeter. It is important to be caring since it gives your partner a sense of satisfaction in your companionship. It doesn't end in an ordinary dinner and a goodbye kiss. However, it would be better to tell your partner how much you love him.

1. Make your relationship your priority
It is not simply a Saturday night habit or a casual date on occasion. It is a forever and ever union of two hearts set to love each other no matter what difference they may have, or no matter how their sexes are. Moreover, with the stress of life and the demands of everyday living, make it a habit to spend quality time with your beloved. This action does not only benefit your partner but you, too. In addition, you also have to redefine your perception of things. A relationship is not a responsibility or an obligation to fulfill but it is actually a reward. The reward is having someone who, out of the odds, will love you for you who are and will love you unconditionally no matter what. Human beings have an innate need to be loved, to belong and to express love. So this is the moment to love and to be loved - and belong.

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